Supporting us means

you are helping to provide photographic mentoring access

to young people suffering hardships due to location, financial, health and social issues.

Your donation allows for

professional working photographers with professional equipment

to engage creatively with young people ongoing

through the schooling system across Western Australia.

We are in a select number of schools

to assist in fostering and developing a love and a skill for photography

to help young people build positive agency and thinking about their schooling and their future.


We believe that

access to mentoring in photography and creative pursuits can relieve distress and support young people in building resilience.

If you are interested in supporting Desert Light Foundation's efforts to provide professional photography mentoring and access to equipment for disadvantaged young people around Western Australia, please donate here.

Giving our young people creative tools and skills allows them to have a voice of self-expression, connect to the community, and maximise their skills for future opportunities.

Desert Light Foundation Limited

is a registered charity and accepts one-off donations or regular giving

For more info on tax deductions or equipment donations, please email

Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible


BSB: 016 520

ACCOUNT: 645 777 001

Desert Light Foundation Limited has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and

is registered as a Charitable Organisation and a Public Benevolent Institution with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

For more info on tax deductions or equipment donations, please email